Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A Study Date with Prince Joshua!?

 This was first posted on my original blog before it got taken down! So reposting this again! My fanfiction of Prince Joshua written all the way back in 2013 😂🤣

A Study Date with Prince Joshua!?

I sat on the couch and grabbed out my notes from class. I had to learn the different types of grape varieties and started reading my notes.
Vitis vinifera which is the European wine grape.
(Well, that's one thing down.)
"All right! I can do this!" When all of a sudden, I hear a low voice behind the back of my head saying, "What are you doing?"
"!" I turned around to see my face only a few inches from his face.
"Pri.. Prince Joshua!"
"Who else would it be? More importantly, what are you doing?"
Flustered from his sudden appearance, I quickly handed my papers to him as I said, "I'm just studying for my winery class..."
With a surprised look on his face, he said, "We attended so many parties now. Shouldn't you already know this?"
(Not everyone is as knowledgeable about wine as you are.)
"No... that's why I'm taking this class..."
"Well, I guess it can't be helped then." He went around the couch and sat next to me. "Since I finished all my work early, I can help you out."

With my previous experience with all my princess training with all its strict rules, the last thing I needed was Prince Joshua teaching me.
I hastily spoke up, "It's okay Prince Joshua. I can handle this on my own."
I quickly added, "It's not that hard."
"Oh? Then, what are the calories of wine?" 
"You can't expect me to just know when I haven't even started studying yet!" I faltered.
"See? Then, it's better if I just help you out."
Without a chance to make up an excuse, he starts reading out the information.
"The calories of wine are made up of 3 components: 4 kcal/gram of protein and carbohydrates, 9 kcal/gram of fat, and 7 kcal/gram alcohol." He paused for a bit. "Did you get all that?"
(I'm supposed to remember all that just by him reading it once?!)
I looked up and regretted meeting his eyes.
His eyes were serious and they told me that he was waiting for a response.
"Ah, um. Oh! Shouldn't we start with the top of the page?"
He sighed. "It shouldn't matter where we start."
"But, it'll be eaiser for me" I said as an excuse.
"Fine." He continued on as serious as ever. "The main grape grown for wine is Vitis vinifera which is the European wine grape." He paused again. "So, what is the main grape grown for wine?
"Vitis vinifera" I replied.
(That's the only one I know because it's the only thing I read before he came along.)
"Good. Now let's continue on to the different varieties of Vitis vinifera." 
"The first one on this list is Cabernet sauvignon from Bordeaux. It's the most well-known black grape variety, high in tannins, and made to produce red wine." 
"Pinot noir is from Burgundy and makes relatively pale-colored wine. It has low levels of tannin and color in skins." 
He was throwing me all this information without letting me even see the notes. It was all verbal memorization. By the time he got to the fifth variety, he asked me, "So which Vitis vinifera is from Croatia/California? It's also popular as a white wine though it can also make 'jammy red wines.'"
"Ah..." I didn't have a reply to that.
"It also goes by other names such as Primitivo and Crljenak kastelanski."
"Um. Prince Joshua... The truth is--" But, before I could finish my sentence, he rolled up my papers and lightly tapped me on the head saying, "Wrong answer. It's Zinfandel." 
"Pay more attention."

We were at this for 4 hours straight. It was suddenly a lot later than I anticipated. 
He finished reading the last passage and said "That's it for today."
He handed me back my notes.
"Thank you for helping me study Prince Joshua. I'll work harder tomorrow!"
He stared at my determined face and smiled. Then quickly added, "I'll test you in three days." And, he walked off to his room.
I went to my room, and for the next three days I studied more efficiently by writing down my notes and making flash cards.

~Three Days later~
It was morning, and I had just barely finished getting ready when I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Thinking that I knew who it was, I opened the door.
"Good morning Laura. Prince Joshua is waiting for you in the living room."
It was Jan.
"Good morning Jan. Oh okay, I'll be right out in a bit."
I grabbed my notes and headed out to the living room.

Sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of tea while reading the newspaper was Prince Joshua. 
"Good morning Prince Joshua" I said.
He placed down his cup and newspaper and looked right into my eyes saying, "Morning. I suppose you didn't forget that today's quiz begins this morning."
(He's as timely as ever.)
I handed him my notes when he suddenly said, "I don't need that."
"Huh?" The sound escaped my lips before I even realized that I was speaking out loud. 
"Don't look so surprised."
And with that, he started asking me question after question.
"Lastly, what is Riesling?"
"It's a German variety which these grapes can be affected by the noble rot called Botrytis cinerea to make very sweet wines."
Now, it was his turn to look surprised. "You really did learn all of this."
I laughed and said, "Of course I did."
He suddenly got really quiet like he was thinking of something. "I'm going to go out for a bit. Later."
"Prince Joshua!" I yelled his name before thinking about what I was going to say to him.
He turned around real quick and said, "What is it?"
I didn't have anything to say to him and quickly replied with one of my usual greetings when he left for work, "Have a nice day at work then!"
And with that, he walked out and closed the door behind him.
"I guess I better study for my other classes." 
He didn't come home until very late that night.
Wondering what he has been doing all day, I fell asleep...

Knock knock.
The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up.
I automatically looked at the clock, it was 9:00AM. (Snaps! I overslept!)
I quickly got up and as I walked past the door to walk to the bathroom, my bedroom door opened.
I was still in my pajamas and my hair was in a mess.
Prince Joshua poked his head in. "Hey. Get ready in 10 minutes. We're going out today." And, he closed the door just as quick. 

I felt my cheeks suddenly getting very hot. (This is no time to get embarrassed!)
I went to brush my teeth and quickly dressed myself.
I felt that I had to redeem myself and went with a girly floral top and frilly skirt with a nicely tied ribbon in my hair.

I walked out of my room and Prince Joshua stared at me.
Then, he quickly averted his eyes and said, "We're leaving." 
(Maybe what I'm wearing might be too much? Too girly perhaps?)
I quickly followed him out with those types of thoughts. 

After a long silence, I managed to ask him while following his back.
"Prince Joshua, where are we going?"
He suddenly stopped and I bumped into him.
"Ah. Sorry!" 
He turned around and as he did, the sunlight hit my eyes.
Instantly, I closed them and put a hand to shade them.
I quickly opened them up to see Prince Joshua gazing directly at my eyes.
My heart started pounding at the realization he was looking at me through his sunglasses.
"...Y-Yes?" I asked flusterly.
He didn't say anything just took my hand and walked in the opposite direction than where he was headed to in the first place.
All I could do was follow him wondering where we were going. 

The next thing I knew we were in a store selling sunglasses.
Prince Joshua was talking to sales owner.
I started to walk over but by then, he finished up, grabbed something off the counter, and started walking towards me.
"Here." He placed something in my hands.
"Don't you know sunglasses when you see it?"
Realizing that he turned back in order to buy me a pair brought a smile to my face. "Thank you Prince Joshua!"
It was a rose-colored shade that matched with the rest of my outfit. 

Now, we were outside walking side by side to wherever he was planning to go in the first place. I couldn't help but feel like we were being stared at the whole time getting there.
But, Prince Joshua just keep on walking with an air of indifference around him and we finally arrived at the place.
It was the post office. 
"I'll be back.  You, sit on the bench and wait here."
"It's okay. I can go with you."
He placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down on the bench.
"I said I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." And with that, he went inside.

I waited for a few minutes until he came back holding a finely wrapped picnic basket. "Let's go home." He walked off once again.
Unable to process anything that was happening, I finally shouted out what I had been thinking the whole time, "Wait...! What exactly are you planning Prince Joshua?" 
He turned back, smiled and said, "You'll see when we get home." 
Even more confused, I asked without thinking, "Um. May I hold the basket?"
He looked at me with an expression that said "Why?" 
I laughed without having an answer to that and hurriedly said, "I don't know what I'm saying anymore haha." 
He took his empty left hand and took a hold of my right hand.
Taken by surprise, I couldn't help but get a bit red from embarrassment and from his sudden actions. "Just stay like that."
"Hmm? Did you say something Joshua?" I looked up to see his face.
He quickly looked away and said, "No." 
It got quiet after that, but it was a nice comfortable silence. 
Prince Joshua and I walked side by side, both wearing our shades while holding hands all the way home.

By time we got home, it was already lunch time. Prince Joshua went straight into the kitchen, and I was about to follow him when Jan said,''Please, follow me Laura.'' 
''O-okay.'' I followed Jan still as clueless as ever.
He led me into Dres Van's mini garden. 
(I still can't believe that this is only a part of their backyard.) 
I looked around and in the center of the court, I couldn't believe my eyes.
Today, there was a white laced table set out for two. On top of the table, there neatly placed, were all my favorite food dishes. 
I stood there dumbfounded when I felt a hand on my back.
''What are you doing standing there? Go sit down.'' 
Prince Joshua pulled out the chair for me, and I came back to my senses.
''Ah! Don't worry about me!'' 
''Its fine.'' 
After I sat down, he went to sit on the chair placed across from me. 
Embarrassed, I couldn't find myself to start eating first.
I looked up and met his gaze.
''Just eat like you usually do.'' 
(That makes it sound like I eat a lot...) ''...'' 
He looked shocked and said, ''Don't you like eating these things?'' 
Seeing that he was starting to look a bit let down, I spoke up, ''I do!'' And, quickly grabbed my fork and started eating the closest thing that was on my plate. 
He laughed at me.
''He-Hey! Don't laugh!'' 
Prince Joshua only gave his earnest smile and begin to eat. 
We enjoyed eating our lunch together. 

Then, Jan came out with a cart and placed 7 new dishes on the table and cleared out everything else. On each plate was a variety of different grapes.
The realization dawned on me and I spoke out loud, ''Vitis vinifera varieties...'' 
''Good. So you do recognize them.'' 
He plucked one of the grapes and handed it to me. 
I ate it and a rush of flavors competed for my taste buds.
''Which one was that?'' 
I never tasted any of these grapes before. 
Without having a reply, he quickly added, ''Didn't you learned them yesterday?'' 
''Prince Joshua... I memorized them... I've never seen any of these grapes before...'' was all I could manage to say. 
He looked at me seriously and then moved his chair right next to mine.
''Well that won't do. The one you just had was Cabernet sauvignon.'' 
He handed me another one. ''Which grape is this?'' 
I picked up the black grape and could tell them it was easy to slip off the skin.
I tasted it to confirm my answer and said in reply ''Vitia labrusca. They're like Concord grapes.'' 
Prince Joshua sighed.
"You got that correct because has a weak outer layer.'' 
''Close your eyes." 
"Huh? Wh-why?'' 
He said simply, "So you can't cheat. Just close your eyes."
Hesitantly, I closed my eyes. My heart wouldn't stop pounding.
Something hard pressed against my lips. 
The moment I said that Prince Joshua popped something in my mouth. 
It was a pretty sour grape. 
I opened my eyes immediately and looked straight at him. "What was that?!"
He had a playful smile on his lips and quickly went back to his regular stern face and asked, "Which variety was it?" 
"It's..." I racked my brain to think of a variety that was sour but nothing came to mind. I looked around the table to see if I can get a better hint of what it was.
The plate that caught my attention was full of rotten looking grapes.
They were grapes infected with Botrytis.
I blurted out, "Botrytis!? You fed me that...?!" 
All he said in return was "It won't kill you." 
"Also, as punishment for trying to cheat" He took out a long piece of cloth and brought it to my eyes to blindfold me. 
"Pri-Prince Joshua!!" I got so flustered that I only could say his name. 
He took that chance to pop another one in my mouth. 
With my eyes now covered, his voice amplified in my ears, "Now, which Vitis vinifera variety was that?" 
I guessed, "Zinfindel?"
"No. It's Merlot."
He continued feeding me grapes.
I would guess and then get them wrong.
We played this game for quite some time.      

He finally then said, "Last one."
Usually, he would put them in my mouth one after another.
(Is everything okay?)
When he suddenly said, "Say "'Ahh.'"
(What?!) I couldn't do something embarrassing as that and my cheeks flushed red. Realizing that, my lips automatically pressed together tighter.
Anxiously, I waited for him to pop another one in my mouth like he's been doing and then something soft pressed against my lips...
Then, something hard brushed against my lips quickly and went in my mouth.
I tasted the grape and couldn't quite get its flavors right.
It was as sweet as ...
(Its as sweet as Prince Joshua.) I found myself thinking that. 
Though, my thoughts were interrupted as I heard a cough followed by Prince Joshua's voice.
"Jan!! You could have knocked or something!"
"I couldn't have knocked since this is the garden. But, your Highness, you shouldn't be doing things like this in public... Blindfolding Miss Laura and then..."
(Huh? Jan's here?!) I quickly took off the blindfold, and I saw a flushed Jan and the tips of Prince Joshua's ears were red.
Jan continued, "What if someone had saw...?"
Prince Joshua quickly replied, "No one saw anything, so it's okay. Anyways, don't you have something to tell me?"
Jan had composed himself and replied, "Yes. His majesty is looking for you."
Prince Joshua nodded and he was about to leave.
On an impulse, I grabbed his shirt. 
"Do you need something?"
"Ah. No." And, then I remembered. "What was the last grape that you gave me?"
After I had asked my question, Prince Joshua's face turned red.
"Ah. That..." He stammered. "It... It wasn't anything."
(It wasn't anything?)
I stared him in the eyes.
And, he averted my gaze. As to change the subject on me, he quickly said, "Anyways. I need to speak with the King." 

But before he turned and left to attend his duties, he said seriously, ''Oh yeah. Vitis vinifera grapes are used exclusively for wine. People normally don't eat them as a fruit.''

(Then why?). He must have been able to read my thoughts because he simply said, ''Because I heard you like grapes.''
With that he turned and left, and a rush of pleasure filled my heart. 

It has always been Prince Joshua.
Prince Joshua who had taken his free time in order to help me study.
Prince Joshua who took me out and brought me a pair of sunglasses.
Prince Joshua who knew what I liked to eat...
He even went out of his way to order some grapes across the world just for me.
(I really do love him).
I yelled out from the bottom of my heart, ''Thank you Joshua!''

He waved his right hand which signified that he had heard me, and it also seemed to say ''Later.''

Sitting in the gardens of Dres Van Kingdom with still a few plates of grapes left, I tasted them to see if I can figure out which one it was. The grape that had tasted as sweet as Prince Joshua himself. 

~The End~

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