Repetitive stuff:
All screenshots are taken by me~
when I was streaming live on my Twitch!
So, there's going to be LOTS of things that doesn't make any sense xD
since, I'm too focused on gaming....
(but I did manage to get some things!)
Also, recorded some gameplay so will link them,
you can use ctrl F with the words: FFIX Gameplay
Let's continue on!
I take screenshots so horribly when I am gaming lol.
Let's find the princess!
This scene starts around 4:18!
Starts at 9:25!
(I really don't know how I manage to name the same names twice.)
FFIX Gameplay 11
Gizamaluke's Grotto!
FFIX Gameplay 12
Steiner and his pickles!!
FFIX Gameplay 13
Going through Burmecia
FFIX Gameplay 14
This scene of Sir Fratley and Freya starts around~ 2:00.
Kuja and the rain scene!!
Starts around 8:54.
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